Green Platypus Gardens

PKA Jam and Beetroot Balsamic Relish

Today we have two fabulous recipes from Forrest in WA. The first is a Pineapple, Kiwifruit and Apple jam and I can guarantee that it is absolutely delectable! With this recipe Forrest won first prize in the mixed jam section of the Albany Show for 2011 and 2012.  It really is a winner!

The second is a Beetroot Balsamic relish shared by a friend of Forrest, Mariette Wiltshire-Butler. It’s superb with fish and on bread and cheese.


Pineapple, Kiwifruit & Apple Jam
A delicious fruit jam that won first prize in mixed jam section of the Albany Show for 2011 and 2012. It really is a winner!
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  1. Pineapples
  2. Kiwifruit
  3. Apples
  4. White sugar
  5. Jamsetta (commercial pectin available in supermarkets)
  1. Cut off top and tail of pineapples. Peel thickly and remove any ‘eyes’ remaining in flesh of pineapple.
  2. Cut in to quarters from top of fruit to base. Cut away core from each quarter.
  3. Slice pineapple flesh thinly then cut into dice about 1 cm square.
  4. Weigh prepared fruit, record weight and place fruit in a large preserving pan or stock pot.
  1. Peel and core apples and cut into dice about 1 cm square. Weigh fruit, record weight and add diced apples to pot with pineapple.
  2. Add 1 cup water and slowly bring fruit to the boil, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. Keep fruit simmering until it is cooked – approximately three-quarters of an hour. Time depends on quantity of fruit being cooked.
  1. Peel fruit, remove hard stem and cut into dice about 1 – 2 cm square. Weigh and record weight.
  2. Once the pineapple and apple is cooked, add kiwifruit. Stir.
  3. Add sugar in the ratio of ¾: 1 of fruit. Eg Pineapple 2 kgs; Apple 1kg; Kiwi fruit 1 kg.
  4. Total fruit = 4 kgs. This quantity needs 3 kgs of sugar.
  5. Stir sugar in well, then gradually bring back to boil. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and burning.
  6. Skim off scum which forms on top of jam.
  7. Add Jamsetta according to quantities recommended on packet.
  8. To test when jam is done: Place a saucer in the freezer. After the fruit and sugar has boiled for approximately 30 – 40 minutes, put a few drops of the jam on the cold saucer and return it to the freezer. Leave for a couple of minutes. Remove saucer and pull your finger through the jam. If the surface of it wrinkles, it is ready. If not, keep cooking the jam and re-testing in 10 – 15 minutes. Once you feel the jam is cooked, turn off the heat.
  9. Have prepared, clean jars with screw-top lids. They can be sterilized by washing thoroughly then placing in a moderate oven (170 C) for approximately 30 minutes. Alternately, place jars and lids in a bucket of hot water to which you add a couple of capfuls of laundry bleach. Leave for 2 – 3 minutes, then drain jars and caps, upside down, on an old towel. Do not rinse.
  10. Using a clean plastic or Pyrex jug, pour the hot jam into the jars and firmly screw the lids on. When cool it will form a vacuum seal. Label and date the jars. Enjoy!
  1. On lazy days I have been known to substitute canned pineapple (crushed, diced or sliced) and canned pie apple for fresh fruit. The jam works just as well. Preparing fresh pineapple is tedious, so, peeling and coring it, then cutting it into large chunks and blitzing them in a food processor also works.
Green Platypus Gardens


 We enjoyed ours with gluten & lactose free hot cakes – yum!

Beetroot & Balsamic Relish
Yields 5
A yummy beetroot relish, perfect as an accompaniment to a main meal or a platter.
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  1. 750gm or 1½ lbs beetroot, peeled & coarsely grated (I throw it into the food
  2. processor)
  3. 1 brown onion (also in food processor)
  4. 2 cups or 16 fluid oz Balsamic vinegar (any brand)
  5. 1 cup or 8 fluid oz water
  6. 3 teaspoons yellow mustard seeds (a little oil in frypan, heat until they “pop”
  7. and remember to put a lid on frypan cos they jump all over the place)
  8. 2½ cups sugar (I use white sugar and usually only use 2 cups)
  9. 2 cloves (I use a pinch of ground cloves)
  10. 5cm (2”) piece of orange rind (I never have any oranges!)
  11. Sea salt & cracked pepper (I use quite a lot of freshly ground pepper)
  1. Put the all ingredients into a large deep frying pan or large saucepan. Place over medium heat, cover and bring to boil.
  2. Cook until the beetroot is soft and the liquid has reduced and thickened slightly. I usually leave it on for about an hour and then if it’s too runny I add some cornflour mixed with water and cook it in.
  3. Allow to cool and store in the fridge for up to 2 months (not likely!)
Green Platypus Gardens
